Kids & Community

Occupational Therapy & Specialist Support Services

Therapy Connect Alliance Team

The Occupational Therapists at Kids and Community join our Therapy Connect Alliance Team one day a week in Murwillumbah.

Kids & Community have worked together with our Therapy Matters team for over 15 years, having first met when the Directors of both organisations started seeing clients with complex needs together in the community.

Kids & Community and Therapy Matters enjoy close proximity to each other in our Burleigh clinics and Murwillumbah outreach services. We foster regular collaboration across our teams which sees us regularly join together for multidisciplinary team building days, social functions, everyday catch ups, team meetings for clients and joint sessions.

Kids & Community are a values driven service that holds the foundations of developing and enabling connections, play, independence and participation central to everything they do. They provide occupational therapy and specialist support services across the wider Gold Coast and Northern NSW communities. Visit their website for more details.