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HOW SPEECH THERAPY EMPOWERS COMMUNICATORS THROUGH THE LENS OF STAR WARS by Tania Teitzel (Director & Principal Speech Pathologist) A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …. I saw my very first movie in a theatre. It was 1977 at the Regal Theatre in Coolangatta and the

Book Matters

WELCOME TO BOOK MATTERS We've mindfully selected 10 books that might assist our clients and their families with topics of interest to make a difference in their lives. Our hope is that families may use this information to learn new ideas, discuss relevant topics and encourage a shared love

Late Talking Toddlers: Wait and see OR act early now

Often when parents seek advice on the internet or in their community about their late talking toddler, they are told not to worry. Well meaning relatives and friends might share that someone in their family “didn’t talk until they were three and they turned out OK” or “don’t worry

Welcome to our new website!

Hi and welcome to our new website! When Therapy Matters turned 25 in 2020, I thought we would celebrate with a new look website that contained lots of colour, fun and loads of information for parents, professionals, speech pathologists and the community. While we've taken our time and been

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