Story Grammar Marker® Teachers’ Manual


The Story Grammar Marker® optimises the development of student skills in perspective taking, critical thinking, and problem solving. This visual, kinaesthetic tool incorporates MindWing’s patented icons facilitating growth of higher order thinking skills. Give students a common language to answer the how and why of characters and interactions which are so essential to the development of social thinking. If you are looking for a comprehensive, versatile classroom tool for oral language, comprehension, and writing, the SGM® is for you.

  • Clear, concise explanation of SGM® iconic structure
  • Oral and Written Goals and Benchmarks for easy implementation
  • Extensive bibliography of children’s literature to enhance instruction
SKU: SSGMTM01 Category:



  • Guides education professionals through the implementation of the Story Grammar Marker® for oral language development, listening/reading comprehension, and writing.
  • Provides a collection of ready-to-use lessons for narrative development instruction.
  • Fosters modelling and guided practice.
  • Expands and develops the writing initiatives of school-based literacy programs.


  • One 189-page wire-bound guide, including organizational maps, lessons, and children’s literature suggestions
  • Website link to free, downloadable PDFs of all manual-included maps and forms

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Weight 1.5 kg


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